Estella Warren je kanadska glumica i model . Rodena je 1978 godine.Prije karijere u modelingu takmicila se u sinhrinizovanom plivanju. stella Warren was discovered by Rhonda Broadbelt Fonte, the owner of Broadbelt & Fonte Models, in 1994 when she was a synchronized swimmer living in Ontario . Broadbelt Fonte then introduced Warren to George Gallier, the owner of American Models. She then came to New York City to shoot some photo tests; during that time Gallier introduced her to fashion photographer Ellen Von Unwerth , who immediately saw Estella's unique looks and booked her for a photo shoot for Italian Vogue . [4] Her international modelling career and recognition worldwide was set after she shot the Cacharel fragrance campaign "Eau d'Eden" with French photographer director Jean Paul Goude, then followed the Chanel No. 5 campaign with director Luc Besson , all while she was managed by George Gallier. Her work in...