Xenia Deli je moldavski model .Rodena je 1989 godine.Krasila je naslovnice svih poznatih casopisa ukljucujuci Elle. Deli started her career with photographs taken by Gavin O'Neill , a fashion photographer, who showed his work to an agency. She got a contract as a model. [2] Deli signed to Elite Model Management [1] in Miami in 2011 and New York City in 2014. Deli picked up a modeling contract with Victoria's Secret after its representatives saw a poster with her picture from another campaign at a store across from their offices. They invited her for an interview and the parties reached a contract. [4] Deli has been featured on numerous magazine covers, such as Playboy , Love FMD Magazine, Elle Romania, and Sport Illustrated of South Africa . She has also been featured in magazines, including FHM , GQ , Sports Illustrated , Vogue , Harper’s Bazaar , ...